Griffin is going to start school the 18th and I'm sure you understand I'm nervous for him.... it's a Early Childhood Developmental Preschool class at our local Elementary School. I went out to buy him all the required school supplies and was hit with the thought that he is growing up so fast... it seems like yesterday that he was just a tiny baby and now he is going to school!
As for the school supply list I am surprised at the items they request... here's the list.
2 - Boxes of Wet Wipes
2 - Large Boxes of Tissues
1 - Pkg of 6 Dry Erase Markers
1 - 4 oz Bottle of White Glue
1 - Box of Triangular Crayons
1 - Package of Pipsqueak Washable Markers
2 - Large Glue Sticks
1 - Book Bag ( no wheels)
1 - Change of Clothes for Your Child
Plus a $35.00 registration fee .....
Whew I know that is not half of what the older kids have to bring heck the Kindergartners have triple the amount of stuff but boy this is preschool... =D
For other news... Griffin is doing great in speech therapy... we decided to continue with his sessions in addition to his school speech therapy, we also are going to have him evaluated for OT sessions this next Wensday. He is talking alot more than he was previously and we are hopeful that by the time he strats Kindergarten he will be at his age level if he continues to progress the way he has been.
He is also officially obsessed with SpongeBob and would watch it all day if you let him... so add that to the list of favs.. Cars, Alphabet, Bowling, SpongeBob....
MCT 149th Edition New Release
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