Hello hello hello!
Ok I know I have been missing for some time and I do apologize and all but as you may remember I had this thing called a baby. Just so you know she is adorable and I am of course wrapped up in her and the boys all the time so it can be a bit much to think of actually getting back to work. But I have to start eventually! Here goes!
First, I have been busy with crafts, learning new stuff or just making stuff for the kids. I just haven't taken pictures... Yes I have a camera full of pictures of a cute baby girl and her brothers but non of those tulle balls, tutus, blanket, crocheted blankets( so not finished either! ) or wreath mobile I made... Must remedy that!
Second, I missed you all... I tried to keep reading blogs and keeping in the "know" but ahhh it is so time consuming. I miss the design teams but I think I am going to venture forth with the knowledge I learned from everyone and put something together that is just my own... Stay tuned for info! Working out the kinks in my head.
Third, I have had a few medical things come up in the past few months that make me think about things even more than normal and put things in perspective. My family means the world to me, No one can take that from me.
Lastly for today... I just wanted to say thank you to you all for sticking it out the past few months. It really means a lot to me! Hugs
Stay tuned for more of my adventures coming soon... Ok really soon you will be able to look and sol
6 hours ago